Arugula Pesto Recipe
Do you find yourself being (privately) judgey about what other people put in their grocery carts or ashamed of what you put in yours? I might think: “hmmm, that’s a lot of sugar cereal there mister.” Or maybe I’ll justify loading up my cart with guilty pleasures because what else are you supposed to do when smokehouse almonds are deeply discounted? And what’s with all those frozen TV dinners taking up an entire aisle at Loblaws? Do people actually buy those things? Or how about the rows and rows of bottled sauces; why would anyone purchase something like that? Most delicious things are perfect as is: think of a juicy, late summer peach. You just can’t improve on that. Many of the most mouthwateringly good recipes contain only a few ingredients, and require just rudimentary supplies and technique.
Delicious, easy, fast, healthy, and versatile make for some of the best recipes. This arugula pesto is a tasty twist on the version traditionally made with basil and pine nuts. I tossed this pesto with roasted penne (click here to learn more about roasting pasta), but it’s also yummy spread as a condiment on your favourite sandwich or burger (as is, or swirled with mayonnaise), served as an accompaniment to a raw veggie platter (either straight up, or stirred into sour cream or plain yogurt), or smeared on a piece of grilled chicken or fish. Arugula pesto only lasts a couple of days so eat up!
- 2 cups tightly-packed baby arugula (about 5 oz)
- 2 cups toasted sliced almonds
- zest of one lemon (about 1 tbsp), or to taste
- juice of one lemon (about 2 tbsp), or to taste
- pinch sea salt, or to taste
- 1 tbsp roasted garlic (or two raw cloves), or to taste
- 3 tbsp olive oil (or more, to taste)
- 1 tbsp (or more, to taste) vegetable stock, white wine or water
- put arugula, almonds, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, and roasted garlic in a food processor
- blitz until pureed but not liquified
- drizzle in olive oil and stock until pesto is sauce-like without being either too runny or too paste-y
- scrape into a jar or bowl, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use
Make yourself a sandwich with arugula pesto, listen to the fabulously foul-mouthed Kesha, and read my rant, “Hey Fuckface, Don’t Call Me ‘Sweetheart'”.